Saluting fighterpilots and butterflies

February 26, 2012 § 4 Comments

Last week’s Airshow was crazy! Changi had a killer booth with butterflies and mini aircraft models and, I have 2 takeaways from it. First, i would like to salute the fighter pilots.

I have new found respect for them, and their planes. All the turning and twisting in the sky, with the powerful sound. Its just so cool! Thank you for sharing the adrenaline from the air because i believe i would have puked all over if i’m in the backseat.

Secondly, i see butterflies in new light. Thanks to my colleague, i learned so much about them. Do you know they are all wrinkly when they first emerge from their pupa (just like us!)? These delicate creatures are sooo beautiful. See for yourself.

And of course, there were planes and the dreamliner. And we get to tour some private jets as well.

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